Utilizing space at its best by optimal design Seoul Lift
Patent on hand impacting accident prevention device
Need for Hand Impacting Accident Prevention Device
Every elevator has a gap between its door and the frame for smooth operation.
When the door opens while a passenger is putting his or her hand on the surface of the door, the hand gets stuck in the gap and gets hurt. This kind of accident happens very often.
In particular, children are usually not careful, so this kind of hand accidents happen a lot.
The Elevator Safety Management Act says that every elevator should have a finger detection system that detects the finger as high as 1.6m above the threshold and stops the door from closing or make the gap less than 5mm wide, to avoid a hand of a child from getting stuck inside the gap or being caught up in the gap.
The hand impacting accident prevention device developed by Seoul Lift Co. is a device that is installed inside the hole in the built-in frame and detects fingers, so it is semi-permanent unlike other devices. The stability of Since we can prevent such accidents practically, this device has been popular to daycare centers, schools, senior care hospitals, community centers and disabled living faculties.